I would like to rent a studio apartment or a room in a B%26amp;B for approximately a month or two during the month of August-September. I am a 35 year old woman who needs some time away to explore the beauty of Provence, while enjoying some food, wine and a good book. I am looking for something affordable and centrally located in a nice part of Provence. Am I asking for too much…lol!
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am all ears….
Thank you!
Can you post a budget please?
I don%26#39;t have an actual budget. I was thinking affordable and that I would base my decision on the property. Perhaps 1000 - 1500 euro per month, but less if possible.
For a furnished holiday rental (apt.) in August, you may have a tough time finding something for between 34 and 50 euros per night. As I%26#39;m sure you know August is high season and Avignon is mobbed with tourists. Here are a couple of places you could consider.
I%26#39;m not wild about this one%26#39;s location, but it is within your budget. You could probably negotiate a discount for a two month stay.
This one is above your budget, but you may be able to negotiate for one of the cottages in Sept. Doubtful for Aug.
This one is in nearby Vedene, but there is good bus service between Avignon and Vedene and you may be able to negotiate a good rate here.
This one is a change of pace. Negotiations might be possible.
Are you willing to stay outside Avignon?
What if I stayed in September and for 2 weeks instead of a month so that I could stay somewhere nicer. Any suggestions?
Avoiding August would definitely help your budget. But, if you have the luxury of staying longer, why not check out some of the places and see what kind of deal you can muster up? Avignon in August would be almost impossible in your budget. That is not to say that you couldn%26#39;t manage somewhere else - and particularly in September - for your budget. Takes some good research. I%26#39;ll check out some things for you.
September is one of my favorite times here in Provence. October too.
If I could take one or two months holiday (anywhere), I%26#39;d jump at the chance. I%26#39;ll post some more options.
Can I assume that you don%26#39;t plan on renting a car (to keep expenses down)? This will make a difference in the places I look at as you will need to be fairly near to public transportation.
If I didn%26#39;t have to rent a car it would help me keep the cost down; however, if my cousin joins me than great I can rent a car and share the expenses, but if I am alone I would prefer not to.
Thank you so much for your kindness and help!
Okay, then I%26#39;ll take that into account when I do my hunting around.
I%26#39;ll suggest places you could look at if your cousin joins you and I%26#39;ll suggest other places where you would be nearer to some sort of transportation (that will be a challenge).
You could consider splitting your stay in two places too. This could also be a consideration if your cousin can join you for say, two weeks - you could rent a car during that time and move to a cheaper place when he/she departs for the duration of your stay.
How much does it cost to rent a car in Provence? Is it very expensive?
I can%26#39;t honestly say the rental rates, but you can do a quick google search and put in the dates your are interested in and the type of car (the smaller the cheaper) and come up with rates.
Many people here recommend Europcar, but if you plan to rent for longer than a month, you might look into the lease back plans. I think it might be too costly for you though.
Bamboletta: I will send you links to vacation rentals I think might work for you through a Private Message.
If anyone else reading this thread wants the links, then just post, otherwise, perhaps it is best done via PM.
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